Vitamin C is the Bees Knees!

January 18, 2022


We all have heard how important Vitamin C is for our body, but how often do you hear about how amazing it is for our skin-particularly our faces? Not often! Allow us to let you in on the buzz.

In the skin care world, there are so many different cremes and ‘fix-all’s’ when it comes to our faces. Often times, those so-called cures cause more harm than good. Why not try something that is already natural? Vitamin C serums are simply an oil and water based formula with high concentrated amounts of Vitamin C. Because of the high concentrate, we are able to get the most out of it. You don’t need to get those silly stress pimples worrying about how your skin is going to react to the serum; because it won’t react! They are formulated to be gentle enough for any skin type and everyday use.

Let’s talk magic. What exactly is Vitamin C going to help? I mean, duh, it’s good for my body and we know that from our grandmothers grandmothers saying so, but really, what is it doing? The answer is simple; A LOT! If you have fine lines and wrinkles, Vit C will help your skin produce more collagen; therefore, helping your skin naturally fill in those lines. It is also and antioxidant, which means it helps your skin naturally strengthen and repel things that could damage it, IE UVA and UVB rays from that beautiful, HOT star of ours. This doesn’t mean to skip the sunscreen!! This is not an alternative to sunscreen, but when combined with your normal sunscreen application, it does wonders for the skin.

Under eye circles, natural healing, skin discoloration and hydrated youthful looking skin are all extra benefits of Vitamin C so why wait? Pick up a bottle of our Glo Therapeutics Vit C serum at the spa and let it do some work for you!

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